WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 27, 2023 – Honest Elections Project Executive Director Jason Snead released the following statement in reaction to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Moore v. Harper:

“The Left will cheer today’s ruling in Moore v. Harper, but this is no victory. For the first time, the Supreme Court has ruled definitively that there is a limit to the power of state courts to interpret election law. In fact, the majority stated conclusively that judges may not seize for themselves the power to make laws, something which partisan anti-democracy lawyers like Marc Elias ask them to do routinely.

Today’s ruling keeps alive the left-wing drive to abuse the courts for partisan gain, but it is no blank check for judges to embrace Marc Elias’ fringe and novel legal theories in order to skew the rules of democracy in favor of the Left. Americans hoping for a clear ruling that would reduce disruptive litigation ahead of the next election will be disappointed. But in the final analysis, Moore v Harper may wind up being a crucial buffer against the Left’s endless campaign to get courts to rewrite election laws for partisan gain.”

Honest Elections Project filed an Amicus Brief in this case, the announcement for which can be found here.