Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project, released the following statement:
“I look forward to testifying in the Ohio Senate today in support of legislation that would ban the foreign funding of ballot measures. Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss, who by his own admission is not a citizen of the United States, has given more than $240 million to the Sixteen Thirty Fund – a slush fund for liberal causes that is one of the largest donors to ballot measure campaigns across the country.
“Just last year, Sixteen Thirty Fund shelled out $14 million in Ohio alone on ballot measure campaigns, and it is already one of the largest donors to a new ballot measure campaign to change Ohio’s redistricting process. Wyss’s prolific giving to Sixteen Thirty Fund raises grave concerns over foreign influence in the ballot measure process. Point blank: American election should be free of foreign influence, and I applaud Ohio lawmakers for considering this measure to protect the integrity of elections in the Buckeye State.”
A copy of Snead’s prepared testimony can be found here.