Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project:
“The policies in the bill passed today in the House of Representatives are deeply concerning to those of us who care about election integrity.
“Allowing paid operatives and candidates to engage in unrestricted vote trafficking is a recipe for continued chaos as it invites fraud, corruption, and voter intimidation. Banning ID and witness requirements while expanding absentee voting makes voting less secure and further invites fraud into the process. And by requiring automatic voter registration and restricting roll maintenance, states will be unable to keep their records accurate and fraud free.
“Nearly every single policy in H.R. 1 is designed to make our elections less secure, create more confusion, invite more uncertainty, and cause greater division in this country. Scrapping and even banning the most basic election integrity measures as this legislation does, would cause irreparable harm to our goal of secure, accessible, and honest elections.”